
Desert Bar Saloon & Cattail Cove

Desert Bar Saloon...Awesome!

Cattail Cove....Rove Needle

Great View...Cattail Cove

Buckskin Mountain Jeep Run
Yesterday, we rode to the Desert Bar aka Nellie's Saloon. Instead of taking the jeep run, we took the easy route, via a gravel road about 5 miles from the highway. It's still an awesome place in the middle of nowhere. Until you get there, that is. Then, the music from the live band fills the air and people are everywhere....standing in line for a burger or hotdog, or standing in line for a drink. If you're lucky, you'll find a table to enjoy your drink and the music. Otherwise, you'll continue up the hill to yet another level of tables and a group of people playing horseshoes.
The place is open on the weekends only from high noon till dark, so get there early, because it fills up quickly. They've got 48 or more large solar panels generating power to the place, the bathrooms are made of thick rusty iron plates and the burgers can only be ordered one way....well done. No cheese, no special requests. You get it the way they serve it. But it's cheap, $3.00 for a burger, $3.00 for a beer.
The guys went on a jeep run today called Cattail Cove. We did this run last year and had a blast. The picture above is of Rove needle. You can actually crawl through the eye. Anyway, they took both jeeps, were gone about 3 hours and had a great time. Lake Havasu area has some fantastic jeep trails, just wish we had more time to explore them all.

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