
Paid For A Job She Didn't Even Go To

The Obamas 2008 Tax Return was released yesterday.
They earned $2.7 million. Good for them! Isn't America wonderful! He wrote a couple books, made a ton of money from the royalties and he earned a generous salary as Senator. Heck, they even contributed 6.5% of their earnings to two charitable organizations; the Catholic 'something or another' and the United Negro College Fund.
It all sounds pretty typical....that is, UNTIL you get to the $62,709.00 MICHELLE OBAMA made from the University of Chicago Hospitals where she was an executive. Problem is, MICHELLE didn't even go to this 'job'!
Last time I checked, if you HAVE a job, but never show up, you're probably NOT gonna get paid.
"We're a country that is just downright mean." Michelle Obama, 3/10/2008
New Yorker Magazine.
Well, the University of Chicago Hospital was pretty nice to you Michelle.
One more thought. Share the wealth? Hey, Obama, I got some serious unpaid medical bills I could sure use some help with. How 'bout distributing some of your wealth this direction?

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