
Remembering D-Day, June 6, 1944

American and Canadian soldiers -1944

Americans landing on the beach on the coast of France
on D-Day, June 6, 1944

6600 American soldiers, died, were wounded or missing on this one day alone.
The invasion of Normandy was in total, history's greatest amphibious operation, involving on the first day 5,000 ships, 11,000 aircraft (following months of preliminary bombardment); and approximately 154,000 British, Canadian and American soldiers, including 23,000 arriving by parachute and glider. The invasion also involved a long-range deception plan on a scale the world had never before seen.
A lot has changed in 65 years, hasn't it? Today, as I listened to a WWII veteran talk about D-day , it was heartbreaking. It's been 65 years, and you could hear the tremble in his voice and see the tears in his eyes as he recalled the details of that day. He spoke as though it happened yesterday. Very sad.
We need to support our troops and honor our military. They are the reason we enjoy our freedom....let's not forget.

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