

Last week I posted a list of my pet peeves; misspelled words being a huge one. In reading some comments on a website today, I had to smile when this person commented on his own comment and apologized for his misspelled words...I mean his typos. Check it out:


July 21st, 2011 at 4:19 am · Reply
This is a simple yes of not (I think he meant 'or no') answer.
The answers to our dillemma regarding gorvernment (probably a typo) tyranny can be remedies (another typo) by something called “Lawfull Reballion”!?
One question… One Subject…


July 21st, 2011 at 4:20 am · Reply

My apalogies (oops) for the typos!
Oh well. Both my kids would see the humor in it, too.

1 comment:

Seven said...

Hahaha doesn't that just drive you nuts?!