

I have been trying for days to post some new pictures here, but considering the IPad doesn't work well with blogger, I am unable to. I have even downloaded an app called Blogsy that is supposed to work, but I have been having a heck of a time getting the pictures from the IPad to this blog. I'm going to have to ask Henry for help, as much as I don't want to. He gets frustrated with me because I am not a whiz with all the technical aspects..... I'll keep working at it. In the meantime....

Amanda was here for a long weekend, and once again, we had SO much fun! Admittedly, we did more clothes shopping than condo shopping, but managed to squeeze it all in. We even visited the spots we missed on her last visit, and I cooked dinner twice for her. She has been asking for manicotti for three months, so I made that for her one night, and ribs the second night.

I hated saying goodbye to her, but she promises she'll visit us every other month, so that works for me!

I promise to keep working on getting picture up here.

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